NVIDIA AI visits Cesena campus

On Thursday, January 26th, at 11 AM, Giuseppe Fiameni (NVIDIA) and Andrea Pilzer (NVIDIA) will give an invited talk on “GPU-Accelerated Computing”.

Giuseppe Fiameni is a Solution Architect and Data Scientist at NVIDIA, where he oversees the NVIDIA AI Technology Center in Italy, a collaboration among NVIDIA, CINI and CINECA to accelerate academic research in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Andrea Pilzer is a Solution Architect at NVIDIA and works with NVIDIA AI Technology Center in Italy. He was postdoc at Aalto University working on uncertainty estimation for deep learning, worked at Huawei Ireland and got his Ph.D.

The seminar will be held at Aula 2.6, Cesena Campus, Via dell’Università 50 – Cesena.

More info on the seminar is in the flier.