FEI Morph Dataset is a dataset generated using the images contained in the FEI Face Database. This dataset contains 6000 morphed images.
We suggest using this dataset for the evaluation of new Differential Morphing Attack Detectors (D-MAD), using the couples that can be downloaded here (with both the criminal and the accomplice).
This dataset has been obtained with three different morphing algorithms:
- FaceFusion
- UTW (as described in the paper: Raja, K., et al. Morphing attack detection-database, evaluation platform, and benchmarking. IEEE TIFS)
- NTNU (as described in the paper: Raja, K., et al. Morphing attack detection-database, evaluation platform, and benchmarking. IEEE TIFS)
For each subject, five other subjects of the same ethnicity and gender have been selected for morphing; in order to maximize the attack potential of the morphed images (i.e. the probability of fooling FRSs), the average face verification scores of three commercial SDKs Verilook, Cognitec, and Innovatrics have been used to select the most similar subjects for each individual.
Main Features:
- 200 subjects, equally split between male and female.
- All faces are mainly represented by subjects between 19 and 40 years old.
- Variety in appearances, hairstyles, and accessories.
- Two different morphing factors (0.3 and 0.5)
- Paper [PDF]
- Data:
- Download and sign the agreement.
- Send the agreement to Guido Borghi and/or Annalisa Franco and/or Matteo Ferrara
- Here, you can find the pairs we used for the D-MAD task
- Naming file convention: M_<subj2>_<subj2>_<morphing_algorithm>_<morph_factor>_<morph_factor>_<post_proc_auto>_<post_proc_manual>_<digital/P&S>
We thank the authors of the original FEI Face database and in particular Dr. Carlos Eduardo Thomaz.
If you use this dataset please cite the following papers:
@inproceedings{di2023combining, title={Combining Identity Features and Artifact Analysis for Differential Morphing Attack Detection}, author={Di Domenico, Nicol{\`o} and Borghi, Guido and Franco, Annalisa and Maltoni, Davide}, booktitle={International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, pages={100--111}, year={2023}, organization={Springer} }
@article{thomaz2010new, title={A new ranking method for principal components analysis and its application to face image analysis}, author={Thomaz, Carlos Eduardo and Giraldi, Gilson Antonio}, journal={Image and vision computing}, volume={28}, number={6}, pages={902--913}, year={2010}, publisher={Elsevier} }